ZEPE on ZetaChain

We are the new Pepe on ZetaChain and we are about to give people a second chance at joining the new ZEPE Hype! Don’t be a loser and miss out twice. 









PEPE is essentially also a top meme, but now it's ZEPE on ZetaChain. How cool is that? We are giving investors a second chance at the hype that is currently going on around ZEPE. So don't be a failure and miss the grand launch twice.


the most memeable memecoin in existence. The dogs have had their day, it’s time for Pepe to take reign. Yes it did take reign and go into the billions of market cap. But to be honest it really has died already and that is why the ZEPE is giving new life to the meme. 

Pepe is here to make memecoins great again. Launched stealth with no presale, zero taxes, LP burnt and contract renounced, $PEPE is a coin for the people, forever. Fueled by pure memetic power, let $PEPE show you the way. Boring if it ONLY goes down lately.


The meme that will become the best on ZetaChain. This is why ZEPE will take over the meme industry. We have created a project of the highest quality that investors can join. Will you join our community?

We have a good contract, we are the best meme, 0 commission, no hidden or private sales! liquidity is locked! We provide everyone with the best opportunity to join a listing on ZetaSwap. Plus, you won't have to deal with high gas costs since we'll be on ZetaChain.









Phase 1: Pepe is Boring

Phase 2: Moon Inbound

Phase 3: Expanding









The Contract Address: SOOON

Name: ZEPE
Symbol: ZEPE
Decimals: 16
Total supply: 420,690,000,000,000
Network: ZetaChain 

ZERO 0 BUY and SELL taxes